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Зарубежная публицистика

In 1831, the then twenty-seven year old Alexis de Tocqueville, was sent with Gustave de Beaumont to America by the French Government to study and make a report on the American prison system. Over a period of nine months the two traveled all over America making notes not only on the prison systems but on all aspects of American society and government. From these notes Tocqueville wrote...
First published anonymously in December 1689, John Locke’s “Two Treatises of Government” are considered to be some of the most important works of political philosophy ever written. In the first treatise Locke disputes the divine right of monarchial rule principle that is put forth in the book “Patriarcha” by Sir Robert Filmer. The first treatise is in fact a sentence by sentence...
“On Liberty and Other Essays” brings together the most important works of philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill. In “On Liberty” Mill eloquently ponders the question of where the line should be drawn between the freedom of individuals and the authority of the state. As he puts it, “The struggle between liberty and authority is the most conspicuous feature in the...
This volume collects together the most important writings of founding father Thomas Paine. First published on January 10, 1776, “Common Sense” was one the most influential and best-selling works from the colonial period. One of the central political arguments amongst the colonists of the pre-revolutionary period was whether or not they should seek freedom from British rule. In “Common...
English Enlightenment philosopher John Locke has been called the “Father of Liberalism”. Following in the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon, he is one of the first British empiricists, which emphasizes the role of empirical evidence in the formation of ideas. His work would greatly influence other prominent political and literary figures including Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the...
Plato’s most famous work and one of the most important books ever written on the subject of philosophy and political theory, “The Republic” is a fictional dialogue between Socrates and other various Athenians and foreigners which examines the meaning of justice. It is primarily from the writings of Plato that Socrates’s ideas are passed down to us. Written around 380 BC, the work is an...
Thomas More, a 16th century English lawyer, statesman, and philosopher, was one of the most controversial figures of his time. More opposed the Protestant reformation and denied the King’s position as head of the Church of England. This act would ultimately lead to his trial for treason and execution. Despite his tragic downfall, he will forever be remembered for his pioneering work...
First published in 1651, “Leviathan” is Thomas Hobbes’ work of political philosophy in which he outlines his theories on an ideal state and its creation. Written in the middle of the 17th century during the English Civil War, Hobbes’ argues that a strong central government with an absolute sovereign was necessary to bring about an ordered society. Given the tumultuous events of English...
Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, lived in the 4th century B.C. and is thought of as one of the most important figures from classical antiquity. Aristotle was probably the most famous member of Plato’s Academy in Athens, whose writings would ultimately form the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy. His writings were not constrained to simply one field of inquiry but...
Originally published in 1762, “The Social Contract” is Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s treatise on how to best organize politics in the face of commercial society. Rousseau writes, “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” This statement exemplifies the main dilemma of government, that despite mankind having an inherent natural right to freedom, modern, especially autocratic,...
Thomas Paine, a seminal figure in American History, was an Englishman by birth who immigrated to America in 1774, where he quickly took up the cause of the independence of the American colonies from England. His famous work “Common Sense”, published in 1776, helped to gain public support for the American Revolution and established him as a central figure among the founding fathers. Later,...
Originally published in two parts in 1791 and 1792, “The Rights of Man” is Thomas Paine’s defense of the French Revolution in response to Edmund Burke’s criticism in “Reflections on the Revolution in France.” A classic work of The Age of Enlightenment, “The Rights of Man” contends that reason should be the foundation of authority and government. Paine argues that any government...
This work contains two of Cicero’s most important political writings, “The Republic” and “The Laws”. In “The Republic”, or “On the Commonwealth”, Cicero crafts a Socratic dialogue in six books on the subject of Roman politics. Cicero discusses the history of Roman politics and its constitution, the role of justice in government, the types of constitutions, the role of...
Published in 1960 under the name of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, “The Conscience of a Conservative” is a widely influential and important book on the American conservative political movement. While the book was published under Goldwater’s name, it was ghostwritten by L. Brent Bozell Jr., the brother-in-law of William F. Buckley and Goldwater’s speech writer in the 1950s. The book...
This treatise on political theory, originally published anonymously in 1748, has become one of the most influential works of political science ever written. French philosopher Charles de Montesquieu wrote this piece under the inspiration of such political theorists as Ren? Descartes, Nicholas de Malebranche, and Niccol? Machiavelli. The ideas laid forth by Montesquieu in this work, especially...
First published in 1922, “Public Opinion” is the fascinating study of the role of citizens in a democracy by Walter Lippmann, an American writer, reporter and political commentator. Lippmann’s notable career spanned decades and produced some of the most important journalism in American history. He was the first to introduce the concept of the Cold War, received many awards, including two...
John Locke's «Two Treatises of Government» are considered to be some of the most important works of western philosophy ever written. In the first treatise Locke disputes the divine right of monarchial rule principle that is put forth in the book «Patriarcha» by Sir Robert Filmer. In the second treatise Locke sets forth the basic principles of natural law that lay the foundation for...
Written prior to the revolutionary war, «Common Sense» was a widely distributed phamphlet that argued for the complete independence of America from Britain. Its importance in terms of American history cannot by understated. The influence that this publication had on the American sentiment towards fighting the revolutionary war may have been more significant than any other single factor. Read...
This volume, containing Mill's «On Liberty», «Utilitarianism», «Considerations of Representative Government», and «The Subjection of Women», draws together the basic ideas of liberalism that, although radical in their time, have gained recognition as comprehensive and relevant fundamentals of government, economics, and logic. Since the publication of «On Liberty» in 1859, no...
Laid out in four books, «An Essay Concerning Human Understanding» is John Locke's exposition on the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. In the first and second books Locke begins by rejecting the notion of innate ideas proposed by Descartes and proposes instead that humans are born as blank slates and that all knowledge is derived from experience. The discussion is...
English-American political activist, author, political theorist and revolutionary, Thomas Paine was one of the most influential figures during the period leading up to the American Revolution. Through his hugely influential pamphlet «Common Sense» and the series of pamphlets known collectively as «The American Crisis» he successfully advocated for colonial America's independence from...
"The Prince & Other Writings" gathers Machiavelli's master work with the bulk of his other writing, organized into eight appendices. Machiavelli (1469-1527) became the pre-eminent political philosopher of his era with the release of «The Prince» (1532). In this treatise he examines the role of political power in shaping statehood. His rejection of idealism in favor of realism...
This work contains two of Cicero’s most important political writings, «The Republic» (De re publica) and «The Laws» (De Legibus). In «The Republic», or «On the Commonwealth», Cicero crafts a Socratic dialogue in six books on the subject of Roman politics. Cicero discusses the history of Roman politics and its constitution, the role of justice in government, the types of...
Niccolo Machiavelli's «The Prince» is intended to be a treatise on ruling and is considered by many to be a classic of political science. In the book Machiavelli offers many bits of practical advice on how to rule and even though the book was written in the early 16th century its ideas are still very relevant today. Where «The Prince» differs from other political literature before it...
"The Federalist Papers" is a collection of writings written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. It was written in the late 18th century following the Declaration of Independence of America from England. This work has long since been regarded as a landmark in political science literature as it establishes the basis for the constitutional form of government, which has ruled...
Based upon the speeches of Demosthenes, who delivered several attacks on Philip II of Macedon in the 4th century BC, The Fourteen Philippics, or fiery, damning speeches delivered to condemn a particular political actor, were made by Cicero in 44 and 43 BC. In these speeches Cicero seeks to publically discredit Mark Antony while privately he spoke out against Antony’s role in the plot to kill...
Barack Obama begeistert die Massen. Doch was ist das Geheimnis dieses Mannes, dessen Erfolg so stark den «American Dream» verk?rpert? Im Gespr?ch mit dem Obama-Experten Christoph von Marschall (USA-Korrespondent des Tagesspiegel) arbeitet Christian Blees die Pers?nlichkeit dieses charismatischen Politikers heraus. Besonders lebendig wird dieses Audio-Portr?t durch Ausz?ge wichtiger Reden im...
Moshe Shokeid narrates his experiences as a member of AD KAN (NO MORE), a protest movement of Israeli academics at Tel Aviv University, who fought against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, founded during the first Palestinian Intifada (1987-1993). However, since the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin and the later obliteration of the Oslo accord, public manifestations of...
How societies can preserve democracy with a human-directed social contract The recent rise of populist movements, especially in Western democracies, has prompted considerable thoughtful analysis. This remarkable book, digging deeper than most such efforts, cites the global financial crisis as the proximate cause but finds the ultimate source in the twin failures of modern capitalism and the...
Бальтасар Грасиан – крупнейший испанский философ-моралист и писатель XVII в., обновивший сам дух испанской литературы и создавший руководства на все случаи жизни. Сочинения Грасиана долго были в забвении, пока...
Religious-liberty lawyer Asma Uddin has long considered her work defending people of all faiths to be a calling more than a job. Yet even as she seeks equal protection for Evangelicals, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Native Americans, Jews, and Catholics alike, she has seen an ominous increase in attempts to criminalize Islam and exclude American Muslims from their inalienable rights. Somehow, the...
Эта книга представляет собой сборник высказываний современного учителя недвойственности Руперта Спайры. Ее вдумчивое медитативное чтение погружает читателя в глубины познания нашей истинной природы. Книга...
<P>At the height of the Cold War in 1954, President Eisenhower inaugurated a program of cultural exchange that sent American dancers and other artists to political «hot spots» overseas. This peacetime gambit by a warrior hero was a resounding success.</P><P>Among the artists chosen for international duty were José Limón, who...
Deutschland im Sommer 2019: Die AfD wird zur Volkspartei im Osten. Merkel hat Zitteranf?lle. Vor zehn Jahren stattete der Reporter Moritz von Uslar der Kleinstadt Zehdenick im Landkreis Oberhavel in der brandenburgischen Provinz einen Besuch ab. Nun kehrt er zur?ck, er bleibt vier Monate und – wie schon in seinem damaligen Buch Deutschboden – l?sst er die Geschichte und die Einwohner des...
Extant research continues to perpetuate a myth of Sub-Saharan African countries (SSACs) as ever stuck in the past and with incurable growth maladies. However, during the years just before the great global recession some of these countries performed better than countries in other regions. What explains this turnaround? How can it be ignited everywhere in the region and made to stick? The...
Commentary on Filangieri’s Work addresses the principal political and social questions that Benjamin Constant, one of the most important liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century, ever discussed. This translation will help give the work its deserved importance in political theory.Commentary is founded on the view that government should maintain a strictly limited role in society; “The...
At the heart of Communication and Critical Cultural Studies is a discipline that has been slowly expanding its borders around the issues of racism, sexism, ability, privilege, and oppression. As Latinx, African American, Asian Pacific American, Disability and LGBTQ Studies widen and shift the scope of Communication Studies, what often gets underplayed is the role of transnational Middle...
The main theme of the book are transformations of the world community at the political level and at the level of the international institutions. The book explores the currently precarious state of an emerging multipolar world at the time of the peaceful rise of China. It starts with the basic political and geopolitical features, followed by a discussion on norms, values and institutions of the...
Данный сборник включает 10 статей на английском языке. Темы статей: экономика и спорт. Все топики на современные и интересные темы. Например, текст о биткоине или магазинах будущего. Наши статьи помогут вам в изучении...