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Зарубежная публицистика

Lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, debater, marketer, businessman, bestselling author, publisher, and activist L. Brent Bozell III is one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today. As the founder and president of the Media Research Center, Mr. Bozell runs the largest media watchdog organization in America and is uniquely...
This timely collection of essays analyses the crisis of journalism in contemporary South Africa at a period when the media and their role are frequently at the centre of public debate. The transition to digital news has been messy, random and unpredictable. The spread of news via social media platforms has given rise to political propaganda and fake news. Yet media companies oust experienced...
Taking a long view of the three-party relationship, and its future prospects In this Asian century, scholars, officials and journalists are increasingly focused on the fate of the rivalry between China and India. They see the U.S. relationships with the two Asian giants as now intertwined, after having followed separate paths during the Cold War. In Fateful Triangle , Tanvi Madan argues...
Discover what makes American democracy unique and how its government impacts your life&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>American Democracy in Context</strong> provides a combined comparative and historical approach to inspire students to better understand, care, and become active citizens. Bestselling authors Maltese, Pika, and Shively explain the distinctive features...
While it is true that poverty, political instability, and economic under-performance&nbsp;continue to be major problems in Latin America, the region has made substantial progress in raising standards of living and overcoming military authoritarianism.&nbsp;<em><strong>Latin American Politics&nbsp;</strong></em>reflects just how much the region has changed in...
Либеральная наука стала самым эффективным способом изучения мира, изобретенным человеком. Благодаря строгой этике науке удалось упорядочить процесс накопления и проверки знаний. Одна из серьезных угроз научному...
Бальтасар Грасиан – крупнейший испанский философ-моралист и писатель XVII в., обновивший сам дух испанской литературы и создавший руководства на все случаи жизни. Сочинения Грасиана долго были в забвении, пока...
Informed by Richard Stengel's time working in the State Department, Information Wars is first and only insider account of how the global rise of disinformation–namely the disinformation of Russia and Donald Trump–impacted the 2016 election.Richard Stengel is a prominent journalist who served the editor of Time for seven years, from 2006-2013. In 2013, Stengel left Time to serve...
The author has consulted for businesses and governments on public policy and taught international management at American and Canadian universities Examines the history of liberal ideas over the past 200 years Proposes the changes required to overcome major limitations like economic policy and preparing for technology disruption
Traumatic Stress in South Africa deals with the topic of traumatic stress from a number of angles. Traumatic stress, and posttraumatic stress more particularly, has gained international prominence as a condition or disorder that affects people across the globe in the wake of exposure to extreme life events, be these collective or individual. Given the history of political violence in South...
A powerful analysis of events that helped galvanise resistance across civil society. The 2017 publication of Betrayal of the Promise, the report that detailed the systematic nature of state capture, marked a key moment in South Africa&#8217;s most recent struggle for democracy. In the face of growing evidence of corruption and of the weakening of state and democratic institutions, it...
In 2013, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden leaked secret documents revealing that state agencies like the NSA had spied on the communications of millions of innocent citizens. International outrage resulted, but the Snowden documents revealed only the tip of the surveillance iceberg. Apart from insisting on their rights to tap into communications, more and more...
The European Union is a besieged institution. It is struggling in vain to overcome the eurozone crisis and faces an influx of refugees not seen since World War II. The Schengen Agreement is a dead letter, and Britain stands on the brink of leaving altogether. The EU is unfit for the challenges of the coming age of increased global competition and high tech. In sum, the drive for an...
Noam Chomsky is an internationally known author, called «the most important intellectual alive» by New York TImes.Updated essays discussing the latest attacks on GazaBy the author of the best-selling Hegemony and Survival (Over 180,000 copies sold world wide) and Interventions (Over 15,000 copies sold by independent publisher City Lights)Title will benefit from increased focus on the topic...
During the last two decades the study of European foreign policy has experienced remarkable growth, presumably reflecting a more significant international role of the European Union. The Union has significantly expanded its policy portfolio and though empty symbolic politics still exists, the Union&rsquo;s international relations have become more substantial and its foreign policy more...
Argues that South Africans, like everyone else, need democracy for a more equal society What are democracies meant to do? And how does one know when one is a democratic state? These incisive questions and more by leading political scientist, Steven Friedman, underlie this robust enquiry into what democracy means for South Africa post 1994. Democracy is often viewed through a lens reflecting...
On the map of global trade, China is now the factory of the world. A parade of ships full of raw commodities—iron ore, coal, oil—arrive in its ports, and fleets of container ships leave with manufactured goods in all directions. The oil that fuels China’s manufacturing comes primarily from the Arabian peninsula. Much of the material shipped from China are transported through the ports of...
Over the last ten years the issue of Europe has been placed at the centre of major political conflicts, revealing profound splits in society. These splits are represented in terms of an opposition between those countries on the losing and those on the winning sides of globalisation. Inequalities beyond those nations are critically absent from the debate.Based on major European statistical...
An alarming and enlightening first-hand account of what&#8217;s really going on behind the borders of the Islamic State.ISIS, IS, the Islamic State. The name is chilling. The images are horrific. This is a group that beheads journalists&#151;and yet one, the German J&#252;rgen Todenh&#246;fer, went out of his way to get an invitation to visit ISIS fighters in Mosul in 2014 to...
What impact has deconstruction had on the way we read American culture? And how is American culture itself peculiarly deconstructive? To address these questions, this volume brings together some of the most provocative thinkers associated with deconstruction, among them Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, and Avital Ronnel. Ranging across a wide field, from the ethics of reading to the rhetoric of...
Сборник статей итальянского ученого Антонио Менегетти посвящен проблемам образования и политики. В него вошли материалы журнала Nuova Ontopsicologia и тексты выступлений Антонио Менегетти на международных конференциях в...
Написанное в духе таких бестселлеров, как «Боевой гимн матери-тигрицы», «Французские дети не плюются едой» и «Лучшие в мире ученики», «Китайские дети – маленькие солдатики» – масштабное исследование...
N?ukogude Liidu lagunemisega sai l?bi ka k?lm s?da, Venemaal algasid reformid ning tulevikku ennustati demokraatlike riikide s?braliku kooseksisteerimisena. T?na on L??ne ja Venemaa vahel taas terav vastasseis, Venemaa on okupeerinud alasid Ukrainas, Gruusias ning r??gitakse k?berr?nnakutest ja valimiste m?jutamisest. Unistus demokraatlikust ja usaldusv??rsest partnerriigist Venemaast ei...
For the first decade of the twenty-first century, every weekend, people throughout Uganda converged to participate in ebimeeza, open debates that invited common citizens to share their political and social views. These debates, also called “People’s Parliaments,” were broadcast live on private radio stations until the government banned them in 2009. In Talkative Polity, Florence...
"Darf ich mal deine Haare anfassen?", «Kannst du Sonnenbrand bekommen?», «Wo kommst du her?» Wer solche Fragen stellt, meint es meist nicht b?se. Aber dennoch: Sie sind rassistisch. Warum, das wollen wei?e Menschen oft nicht h?ren. Alice Hasters erkl?rt es trotzdem. Eindringlich und geduldig beschreibt sie, wie Rassismus ihren Alltag als Schwarze Frau in Deutschland pr?gt. Dabei wird...
Ein Abschiedsbrief an ein geliebtes St?ck Europa, das nicht mehr dazugeh?ren will. Als Nele Pollatschek am 23. Juni 2016 nach Oxford unterwegs ist, wo sie jahrelang studiert hat, ahnt sie nicht, dass sie am n?chsten Tag zum Brexit-Profiteur wider Willen werden wird. ?ber Nacht l?st sich wegen des W?hrungszerfalls ihr Studienschuldenberg fast in Luft auf – gleichzeitig aber durchlebt sie den...
Великий шелковый путь – великая история международной дружбы. На протяжении веков Китай поддерживал отношения с разными странами благодаря этому маршруту. Теперь древний путь возрождается прямо на наших глазах....
First published on January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” was one the most influential and best-selling works from the colonial period. It has been suggested that it may have been the single biggest factor in inspiring the people of the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for their independence from Great Britain beginning in the summer of 1776. One of the central political...
Originally published in 1532, nearly five years after the author’s death, “The Prince” is a pioneering work of modern political philosophy for which Niccolo Machiavelli is best remembered. Intended to be a treatise on ruling for princes, “The Prince” is one of the world’s first and most impactful works of political science. In the book Machiavelli offers many bits of practical...
First published in 1848, “The Communist Manifesto” is a political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which initiated in one of the greatest movements of political change that the world has ever seen. At the heart of the economic writings of Marx and Engels is the materialist conception of history, or that productive capacity is the primary organizing factor of...
Following the signing of the Declaration of Independence there was a vigorous debate in the American colonies on the form of government that should be then established. A Constitutional Convention was convened between May 25th and September 17th, 1787. A principal point in the debate at the convention was as to how much power should be granted to the federal government versus the states. In...