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Find out how to secure and thrive in a work-from-home or remote-access job. Get out of your work clothes and into pajamas for good! Did you fall in love with working from home during the months of coronavirus restrictions? Is working in your pajamas appealing? Do you want to earn some income on the side?In 2020, the workplace has been transformed and working from home has exploded. It may,...
Master the delicate art of working from home with this comprehensive resource .   Working from Home:  Making the New Normal Work for You  provides readers with a detailed strategy on how to turn working from home into a powerful career choice. Author and Salesforce executive Karen Mangia teaches readers how to:  Build the future of work in any kind of space: ideas for your...
Деньги – это свобода, независимость. Все мы стремимся их получить. Однако, не всегда сделать это просто. А уж если нет опыта… Как в 16, да и не только в 16 лет, избежать ошибок при трудоустройстве, и в чем же главный...
Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Бенджамина Тодда «80 000 часов. Как построить успешную карьеру и принести пользу миру». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге Рост зарплаты повышает уровень...
Книга, которая заряжает на успех и мотивирует горы свернуть! 35 смелых и отчаянных женщин круто изменили свою жизнь: переехали за океан, сменили сферу деятельности, начали новое дело. Они бросаются в омут...
Это аудио – сокращенная версия книги Бенджамина Тодда «80 000 часов. Как построить успешную карьеру и принести пользу миру». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. О книге Рост зарплаты повышает уровень...
How do you lead a fulfilling life? That profound question animates this book of inspiration and insight from world-class business strategist and bestselling author of The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen.After beating a heart attack, advanced-stage cancer and a stroke in three successive years, the world-renowned innovation expert and author of one of the best selling and most...
Future-proof your career and maximize your competitive advantage by learning the skill necessary to stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and adapt to whatever the workplace throws your way in this essential guide.Faced with tumultuous economic times and rapid technological change, staying ahead in your career depends on continual learning—a lifelong mastery of new ideas, subjects, and skills....
The transformative mind-model for performing under stress and making pressure your advantageUsed by the planet’s top performers In Performance Under Pressure, forensic psychiatrist Dr Ceri Evans gives you the tools to take control of the moment.Beat doubt, worry, regret and burnout with simple mind techniques and discover the secret of how to be ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’. No one...
The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question «How do I kick more ass?»—providing proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter, culled from the wisdom and insight of world-class thought leaders and mavericks of science and business.When Dave Asprey started his Bulletproof Radio podcast more than five years ago, he sought out thought...
Inspired by her hugely popular podcast, How To Fail is Elizabeth Day’s brilliantly funny, painfully honest and insightful celebration of things going wrong. This is a book for anyone who has ever failed. Which means it’s a book for everyone. If I have learned one thing from this shockingly beautiful venture called life, it is this: failure has taught me lessons I would never otherwise...
From the author of the New York Times and international bestseller Unfu*k Yourself Gary John Bishop presents a no-holds-barred guide to breaking through our cycles of self-sabotage to get what we want out of life.In Unfu*k Yourself, Gary John Bishop told us it was time to stop making excuses– to recognize and take responsibility for the negative self-talk holding us back.In Stop Doing That...
Дину Перу любят не только за искренность и юмор, но и за новые знания, шанс изменить жизнь. Так, как сделала это сама Дина, превратившись из «простой перуанской домохозяйки» в основательницу школы новейших профессий,...
Известный экс-политик, спикер, общественный деятель, кандидат экономических наук и писатель – кому как не Ирине Хакамаде знать секрет успеха. Вот уже десять лет в бестселлере «Дао жизни» Ирина транслирует миру свою...
Ирина Хакамада успешна в каждой своей ипостаси: как спикер, писатель, общественный деятель и экс-политик. Она точно знает, как совместить карьеру, любовь, самореализацию и личное счастье, и делится своими наработками...
Take control of your personal finances with this concise, timely and indispensable guide, from acclaimed money expert Laura Whateley.Ten years on from the financial crash, and we are still bad with money.We press ‘cash only’ at ATMs, and accept that we’ll be paying back our student loans with our pension savings.Money: A User’s Guide cuts through all the panic of personal finances. It...
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous...
More time with your kids, making the money you know you’re worth and a better work/life balance. No wonder more women than ever are choosing to be become freelance mums.In the last decade, 70% more mums have chosen to go freelance. Annie Ridout was one of them. And in her enlightening new book, she shares the tips and tricks that helped her build a better working life around her family. From...
‘A beguiling exploration of how flexibility can contribute to creativity, purpose and happiness.’ Justine Roberts, founder of Mumsnet ‘Straight-talking self-help… Inspiring words, practical help and a fresh way of seeing things that we’ll be forcing on just about everyone we know.’ StylistAs featured in Sunday Times Style, Stella, Stylist, Grazia, The Sun, BustleReinventing the...
The new Lean In, from the multi-award-winning Founder and CEO of national non-profit Girls Who Code and New York Times bestselling author Reshma Saujani.‘We are raising our boys to be brave, but our girls to be perfect. And this is holding us back.’Imagine if you lived without the fear of failure, without the fear of not measuring up. If you no longer felt the need to stifle your thoughts...
The brilliant, inspirational next book by the author of the incredible No. 1 bestseller FIRST MAN IN.Without fear, there’s no challenge. Without challenge, there’s no growth. Without growth, there’s no life.Ant Middleton is no stranger to fear: as a point man in the Special Forces, he confronted fear on a daily basis, never knowing what lay behind the next corner, or the next closed...
‘Incredible individual, incredible book, incredible story.’ CHRIS HEMSWORTH‘A hero who is as humble as he is resilient… testament to a “never give up” spirit!’ BEAR GRYLLS‘From reading this book, the message that comes shining through is this: you can achieve anything.’ ANT MIDDLETONBestselling author and award-winning adventurer Ross Edgley has been studying the art of...
‘Patricia Bright is killing it right now’ Glamour‘One of Britain’s biggest YouTube stars’ Huffington Post‘I’m going to show you how to hustle like I do, using your head and heart. All it takes is three steps…’YOUR BRAND: how you can use who you are to smash it onlineYOUR BUSINESS: how to run your side hustle like a total bossYOUR BELIEFS: ditch the thinking that’s holding...
‘Little Black Book is THE book of the year for working women with drive’ Refinery 29The essential career handbook for creative working women.‘A compact gem’ StylistLittle Black Book: A Toolkit For Working Women is the modern career guide every creative woman needs, whether you’re just starting out or already have years of experience. Packed with fresh ideas and no-nonsense practical...
Pi? persone di quante tu possa immaginare passano la maggior parte del tempo a contatto con gli altri in una situazione lavorativa, e, a meno che non siano fortunate, non possono decidere con chi lavorare. Purtroppo, non tutti sanno come andare d’accordo con gli altri, e questo pu? causare svariate situazioni difficili, rendendo quasi impossibile arrivare sereni a fine giornata. Essere...
Вы знаете кто такой профессионал своего дела? Вы сталкивались с ними в повседневной жизни? Или может хотите стать профессионалом? Эта книга даст ответы на эти вопросы и на многие другие. Раскроет разницу между...
Straightforward advice for navigating the  challenges facing professionals who are underrepresented in the leadership of today’s organizations   Michael Hyter is one of the nation’s highest regarded executives of color, and a widely respected thought leader in the area of talent development and leadership succession. To get there, he worked hard and made his work count through...
Анна Бонецкая – автор одного из самых успешных и продаваемых курсов по SMM в Инстаграме, более 5000 довольных клиентов и учеников, автор YouTube-канала «Бонецкая дело говорит». Мои выпускники: [ul]выходят на рынок...
У каждого есть Предназначение. Не следовать ему – самое большое преступление. Отсутствие четкого понимания своего пути делает людей несчастными и бедными. Александр Рей – практикующий психолог и просто...
Удаленная работа – мечта, которая может стать реальностью, если наметить четкий план и следовать ему. С чего начать выход на фриланс? Какое направление выбрать? Как создать первое портфолио, правильно его оформить и...
Маргарита Былинина (маркетолог, основатель «Диджитал академии маркетинга», известный блогер) и Мария Точилина (бизнес-консультант) написали уникальную книгу для тех, кто мечтает найти идею для своего дела и успешно...
Книга посвящена модной, современной и востребованной профессии помощника руководителя или ассистента. Во всех крупных компаниях за руководителем закреплен помощник или ассистент. Однако все больше и больше...
Инструмент, который поможет вам получать доход от любимого дела! Маргарита Былинина (маркетолог, основатель «Диджитал академии маркетинга», известный блогер) и Мария Точилина (бизнес консультант) создали...
Анна Бонецкая – автор одного из самых успешных и продаваемых курсов по SMM в Инстаграме, более 5000 довольных клиентов и учеников, автор YouTube-канала «Бонецкая дело говорит». Мои выпускники: выходят на рынок...