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Античная литература

Aristophanes, often referred to as “The Father of Comedy”, is an ancient Greek poet and playwright who is credited with helping to create the art of satire and irony. Of the over forty plays Aristophanes wrote during his lifetime only eleven survive to this day of which six are collected together here in this volume. In “The Acharnians”, there is the story of Dikaiopolis, an Athenian...
Aristophanes, often referred to as “The Father of Comedy”, is an ancient Greek poet and playwright who is credited with helping to create the art of satire and irony. Of the over forty plays Aristophanes wrote during his lifetime only eleven survive to this day of which five are collected together here in this volume.“The Wasps” is a play which satirizes the Athenian general Cleon, a...
This collection of plays captures the comedic genius of Plautus, one of the most important playwrights from classical Roman antiquity. Plautus adapted most of his plays from earlier Greek stories, making him essential in helping to preserve the history and integrity of Greek theatre. What makes Plautus extraordinary, though, is that he kept the essence of the Greek shows while evolving the...
Что такое «Лайфхак классики»? Мировая литература за 30-40 минут. За эти минуты вы узнаете об основных идеях, сюжете и героях знаменитых пьес, о которых все слышали, но не читали. Зачем оно мне нужно? Если тебе интересна...
Set in the city of Argos a few years after the Trojan war, 'Electra' recounts the tale of Electra and the vengeance that she and her brother Orestes take on their mother Clytemnestra and step father Aegisthus for the murder of their father, Agamemnon.
Widely regarded as one of the greatest Greek tragedies, ‘King Oedipus’ (or ‘Oedipus Rex’) is the first play in the Oedipus trilogy (followed by ‘Oedipus at Colonus’ and then ‘Antigone’). After defeating the Sphinx and freeing the kingdom of Thebes from her curse, the flawed hero unwittingly fulfills a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother.
Oedipus was the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta. Before he was born, his parents consulted the Oracle at Delphi. The Oracle prophesied that Oedipus would murder his father and marry his mother. In an attempt to prevent this prophecy's fulfillment, Laius ordered Oedipus's feet to be bound together, and pierced with a stake. Afterwards, the baby was given to a herdsman who was told...
Книга состоит из переводов и исследований церковно-поэтических произведений Средневековья. Она включает в себя как тексты Востока (творения Ефрема Сирина, Романа Сладкопевца, Иоанна Дамаскина, анонимные гимны из...
Марк Туллий Цицерон, названный современниками отцом Отечества, был в полной мере достоин так именоваться. Убежденный сторонник республики, человек, использовавший свои блестящие ораторские способности для защиты...
HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires.'One of Shakespeare's darkest and most violent tragedies, Macbeth's struggle between his own ambition and his loyalty to the King is dramatically compelling. As those he kills return to haunt him, Macbeth is plagued by the prophecy...
Сократ – без сомнения, один из наиболее значимых персонажей в мировой культуре. Образец мыслителя, «крестный отец» философии, он за свою жизнь не написал ни строчки. Его главным произведением была его жизнь и смерть....
В этот сборник вошло большинство из чисто философских (без примеси политики) трактатов Цицерона, тексты которых, по счастью для нас, сохранились целиком или с совсем небольшими пропусками. Написанные в традиционной...
«Энеида». Самое яркое произведение древнеримской крупноформатной поэзии, так впоследствии и не превзойденное ни одним латинским стихотворцем и ценимое на родине ничуть не ниже, чем ценили эллины свои национальные...
Of Euripides’ roughly ninety-two plays, only seventeen tragedies survive. Both ridiculed and lauded during his life, Euripides now stands as one of the greatest innovators of Greek drama. Collected here are ten of Euripides’ most important tragedies in prose translation by Edward P. Coleridge. In the first play in this collection, “The Alcestis”, Euripides expands upon the myth of...
«Исповедь» Аврелия Августина – величайший памятник самопознания, представляющий события личной жизни как неотъемлемую часть духовного опыта. Августин создал уникальное повествование, объединяющее исторические...
Марк Туллий Цицерон – блестящий оратор и политик, современник Гая Юлия Цезаря, заставший крах республиканских институтов Рима. Философия и риторика в его понимании были неразрывно связаны – философия объясняла,...