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Юмористические стихи

Современного поэта Евгения Запяткина часто называют русским Омаром Хайямом. На популярных сайтах и в соцсетях он выступает под псевдонимом ЗЕВС – Запяткин Евгений Викторович Саратовский. Его 50-я...
Поручика Ржевского знают все. Герой войны 1812 года, бабник и матерщинник. А где-то через полвека, во времена правления Александра II Освободителя, наверное, жил и мой герой, также достойный носитель гусарских традиций....
Этот сборник включает в себя лучшие песни за 10 лет моего лихого гитарного творчества! Многие тексты содержат вымышленные эпизоды, ни в коей мере не связанные с моим личным опытом. Sprut_ Содержит нецензурную брань.
Nach «Nibelungenentz?ndung» geht es ebenso schr?g und skurril weiter – mit 46 neuen Zwischendurchgeschichten aus einem nicht ganz allt?glichen Alltag mit einer mehr oder weniger wohldosierten Prise Wahnsinn: ein Schachspiel, das aus allen Fugen ger?t; fragw?rdige (aber nicht zwingend verzehrw?rdige) Substanzen aus dem Thermowix; Lover, die ihr Geld im Darknet verdienen; Gottes hauseigener...
Dieses Buch wird dich ?ber die wichtigsten Geheimnisse von Ruhrgebiets-Omas, Wasserb?ffeln und ?ber jene des Fernsehprogramms informieren. Solltest du mit Ironie und Sarkasmus nichts anfangen k?nnen, ist es genau jetzt an der Zeit, nach mindestens zwei weiteren Personen zur Bildung eines Stuhlkreises zu suchen. Selbstverst?ndlich ben?tigst du einen Stuhl. »Guter Stuhl ist wichtig«, hat ein...
Der Satireband »Auerbachs-B?ller« verzaubert den Leser anfangs am Blocksberg mit Fausto, Mephist und Hexen – diesmal aber anl?sslich der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. Gepfefferte Seitenhiebe gehen hier in alle Richtung. In sieben weiteren Kapiteln entfaltet sich ein Springquell von Texten auf die »Laster« der Spezies Mensch: auf Massenwahn, Machtmissbrauch und eitle Selbstdarstellung:...
‘Channelling the spirit of Monty Python, Father Ted and Oscar Wilde, [@BorderIrish] trolls the Brexit process with a tone that is whimsical, sometimes surreal and always pointed.’ – Guardian‘I was living the quiet life, watching the traffic and the sheep go by and then Brexit came along and I listened to people dismissing my importance. I could see the danger coming in the distance,...
488 Rules for Life is Kitty Flanagan's way of making the world a more pleasant place to live.Providing you with the antidote to every annoying little thing, these rules are not made to be broken. 488 Rules for Life is not a self-help book, because it's not you who needs help, it's other people. Whether they're walking and texting, asphyxiating you on public transport with...
The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Little Miss Shy likes being single and loves nothing more than...
The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Little Miss Busy hadn't always been so busy. She used to...
The Mr. Men have been tickling children for generations with their funny and charming antics. The Mr Men for Grown-Ups series now gives adults the chance to laugh along as the Mr Men and Little Miss try to cope with the very grown-up world around them. Featuring Roger Hargreaves classic artwork alongside hilariously funny new text.Mr Happy is usually a very happy fellow. But the morning after...
В книге собраны стихотворные поздравления и частушки на день рождения и юбилей, на свадьбу и свадебные даты (1-5 и 30 лет), на другие праздники, в том числе на новый год, колядки, на 14 и 23 февраля, 8 марта, на масленицу и 1...
Сборник всех стихов на момент 8 декабря, 2020 года автора Александра Еремина.
Was den Mann zur S?nde f?hrt Freispruch f?r den ewigen Angeklagten! Und ein paar Freibriefe f?r k?nftige S?nden gibt’s gratis dazu, denn: »Herr S?ndermann erkl?rt uns hier, / er k?nne ›niemals was daf?r‹, / es gebe f?r die S?nde / so s?ndhaft viele Gr?nde! …« Der Satiriker Detlef F?rber pr?sentiert in seinem neuen Buch, das zugleich sein Lyrikdeb?t ist, in den Gedichtzyklen »Nur das...
Если вы мужчина и хотите признаться в любви, оказать внимание, то большое собрание авторских четверостиший вам поможет, отсылайте в любое приложение или социальную сеть, скачивайте.
The following Tales are meant to be submitted to the young reader as an introduction to the study of Shakespeare, for which purpose his words are used whenever it seemed possible to bring them in; and in whatever has been added to give them the regular form of a connected story, diligent are has been taken to select such words as might least interrupt the effect of the beautiful English tongue...
This early work by Ring Lardner was originally published in 1918 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introduction. 'Treat 'Em Rough' is a selection of short stories written in letter form. Ring Lardner was born in Niles, Michigan in 1885. He studied engineering at the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago, but did not complete his first semester. In 1907, Lardner...
This early work by Ring Lardner was originally published in 1915 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introduction. 'Bib Ballads' contains a selection of poetry. Ring Lardner was born in Niles, Michigan in 1885. He studied engineering at the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago, but did not complete his first semester. In 1907, Lardner obtained his first job as...
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I believe my book captures many interesting and exciting situations. These situations are gleaned from my personal experiences. I am convinced that my years as a Smokejumper have defined and shaped the man I am today. Several escapes from near-death experiences have brought me to this day and provided me with an abundance of gratitude.
And one day...
The adventures of a bit unusual dog growing up in Abruzzo Italy. Some events are romanticized or exaggerated. The aim is to amuse the reader and incidentally teach just a little.
Туфелька Золушки – ироническая история в стихах. Учит тому, что нужно садиться все-таки в свои сани.
В книге представлены вспомогательные материалы как основа к появлению в Адыгее «Парка фантазий и приколов», руководителем которого является Славяна Бушнева. Здесь показана лишь малая часть экспонатов, побудивших к...
Эта книга – мой ответ на просьбы и уговоры желающих иметь коротыши под рукой в бумажном варианте.