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Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

Best-known for his beloved «Oz» stories, L. Frank Baum also fabricated other realms of fantasy for his young readers. In The Sea Fairies, he takes youngsters to visit one of those fascinating places — a kingdom deep beneath the sea. Leading the way are Trot, a very independent and immensely curious little girl, and Cap'n Bill, an old sailor who likes to tell tall tales.One day...
Since it was first published in 1900, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz has enchanted readers of all ages with its lovable characters, gentle humor, and quiet wisdom. This complete and unabridged edition of L. Frank Baum's beloved classic invites a new generation of readers to travel down that Yellow Brick Road with the delightful little girl from Kansas and her unusual friends.Dorothy, her...
After concluding the fourteenth volume of his popular series, L. Frank Baum returned to the land of Oz in 1914 with six short stories featuring Dorothy, Toto, and other beloved characters. Written for slightly younger readers, these hard-to-find tales offer a fine introduction to Baum's enchanted world.Featured stories include «The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger,» «Little Dorothy...
When the renowned author of the wonderful Oz stories surpasses himself with a full-blown fairy tale, complete with magic wishes, palace life, an evil hag, and a poor boy and girl, we know we are in for something exceptional in storytelling. «In some ways,» Baum confided to his son, «Queen Zixi is my best effort.» The critic Edward Wagenknecht goes further, terming it flatly one of the best...
This captivating tale by the «royal historian of Oz» recounts the further adventures of a little girl named Trot and Cap'n Bill, an old sailor, after their visit to the Sea Fairies. A remarkable fairyland in sky country, Sky Island turns out to be a place that Trot, Cap'n Bill, and their friend — a little boy nicknamed Button-bright — were glad to leave after...
The only edition of L. Frank Baum's classic with full-color illustrations based on the original art by W. W. Denslow now comes with two audio CDs! The abridged text makes the beloved tale of Dorothy and her travels accessible to even the youngest readers and fosters the development of reading skills. The CDs offer enchanting companionship on road trips, picnics, and other family events.
Whether you are new to the Land of Oz or a returning friend, this volume offers hours of reading pleasure. Collected in The Wizard of Oz Megapack are no less than 17 complete Oz books – 15 by Oz creator Frank L. Baum, plus two bonus novels by Ruth Plumly Thompson continuing the series.<P>Included are:<P>The Wonderful Wizard of Oz<BR>The Marvelous Land of Oz<BR>Ozma of...
Dolls of all kinds have been loved by children and adults alike from the dawn of time. It's not surprising, then, that writers through the ages have been inspired to create fictional accounts that have thrilled the fans and readers of each new generation. THE DOLL MEGAPACK includes 25 stories, 6 poems, and a play. <P> Included are: <P> "Nutcracker and the King of...
After failing to tempt him to their own vices, Santa is kidnapped from the Laughing Valley by the five Daemons of the Caves (Daemons of Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and Repentance) on Christmas Eve. Can Christmas be saved?
The Little Wizard Stories of Oz contains six thrilling short stories based on characters from the Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum had announced to the world that he was done writing Oz books. Inundated with letters from disappointed children Baum decided to write short stories in the hopes that this would mollify his legions of disappointed fans. These stories explore more deeply many of the...
The Tin Man and the Scarecrow are regaling each other with tales of past adventures in the Tin Man's castle in the Winkie Country when a Gillikin boy named Woot wanders into their presence. After he is fed and rested (which the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, not being of blood and flesh, do not need), Woot asks the Tin Man how he became made of tin. The Tin Man tells Woot the story of how...
Betsy Bobbin is shipwrecked in the Nonestic Ocean with her friend Hank the mule. The two drift to shore in the Rose Kingdom on a fragment of wreckage. Betsy meets the Shaggy Man and accompanies him to the Nome Kingdom, where Shaggy hopes to release his brother, a prisoner of the Nome King. The group experiences many fascinating and exciting adventures on their way to the Nome Kingdom. They...
""A Kidnapped Santa Claus"" is a Christmas-themed short story by American writer L. Frank Baum; it has been called «„one of Baum's most beautiful stories“» and constitutes an influential contribution to the mythology of Christmas. ""A Kidnapped Santa Claus"" was first published in the December 1904 edition of The Delineator, the women's magazine that would print Baum's Animal Fairy...
Who knew Dorothy could speak rabbit? A delightful Christmas story to read with your children This charming Christmas story was published in L. Frank Baum's first children's book, Mother Goose in Prose (1897), illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. Dorothy meets a shy little bunny at the edge of the forest and the little fuzzy has some interesting stories to tell her: stories of visiting the North...
We invite you to make an amazing trip to the magical land of Oz, which was born as a result of the irrepressible imagination of the great American writer Lyman Frank Baum, whose books were beloved by more than one generation of children around the world. Having become acquainted with the kind and naive characters of the book – the girl Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly...
У кожній своїй розповіді про Країну Оз казкар Ліман Френк Баум знайомить читачів із неймовірними подіями, на які багатий чарівний світ. Проте ця історія особлива. В ній автор вирішив розкрити таємницю найбільшого...
Про Механічну людину – Тік-Тока казкар Ліман Френк Баум згадує в багатьох своїх книжках. Однак у цій розповіді автор вирішив приділити улюбленому персонажу значно більше уваги, зробивши його одним з головних...
В історії, яку Ліман Френк Баум розповідає цього разу, є багато подій, на які читачі давно чекали. Нарешті Дороті стає жителькою Країни Оз. Ба більше: віднині вона не хвилюватиметься про своїх стареньких родичів –...
Всесвітньо відомий американський письменник Ліман Френк Баум (1856–1919), створивши казкову Країну Оз, населив її героями, які одразу полюбилися читачам. Майже всі вони стануть учасниками цієї книжки. Не обійдеться й...
Повість «Чарівник країни Оз» оповідає про пригоди дівчинки з канзасу Дороті та її песика Тото. Опинившись через ураган у казковій Країні Оз, вони прямують дорогою з жовтої цегли до Чарівника Країни Оз аби...